VRI membership is a reasonably priced way to get into an exhilarating, challenging sport. We fence six days a week, so you’ll always be able to find the time to train with your squad, take lessons with your coach, or enjoy free bouting. Become a member, renew your membership, and get fencing in three simple steps:
1. Fencing Victoria affiliation
All VRI members must have an annual 'Fencing Victoria Club/School Membership' which can be purchased for $43 AUD through the Fencing Victoria Membership Portal. This will provide you with a Fencing Victoria member ID which you should provide when purchasing your VRI Membership.
Regardless of when you join VRI, you must purchase the Fencing Victoria club/school affiliation in order to be insured, and your VRI membership will not be valid until you have paid this fee. If you wish to fence competitively (other than in club or school level competitions), you must pay an additional Fencing Victoria affiliation fee.
2. VRI Fencing Club membership
VRI membership includes:
Access to club facilities, training partners and coaches throughout the week
Use of club equipment for new fencers: weapons, masks, protective clothing
Full insurance, provided FV affiliation is paid
Note that all classes and squad fees must be paid in addition to VRI membership (excluding VRI Swordplay).
Confirm or renew your membership through the VRI Membership Portal.
VRI welcomes visitors from other clubs in Victoria, Australia or overseas.
From time to time, VRI has also offered Second Club Membership to members of other Victorian fencing clubs, where the Committee believes that this benefits VRI members. Anyone seeking to be considered for this should apply to the Committee. Fees for any Second Club Membership offered are:
Adult: $425 Full year / $255 Half year
Senior 60+: $345 Full year / $210 Half year
Full-time student or Under 20: $345 Full year / $210 Half year
3. Book additional squads and lessons
Contact our coaches directly to arrange private lessons
Adult Épée Squad: pay per term
Junior Intermediate Épée Squad: pay per term
Junior Épée Squad: Email Head Coach Gerry Adams to apply